
Achievers Assembly 2024

On Friday 16 February, we honoured students who gained Junior Diploma and NCEA Level 1-3 Endorsed with Excellence. These were the students who gained 50 credits at the Excellence level in Years 7 -13 in 2023. Four students who gained A or A* (over 90% marks scored) grade were also commended and honoured for their achievement. Congratulations and well done to all the students honoured at the assembly. The students were presented with a certificate and a badge. 

The keynote speaker, Mr Sam Tagitau, was college Head Prefect in 1998, 1st XI Captain and later named Dux as well. He stressed, education provides us all with the skills and knowledge to thrive in a variety of fields, which in turn opens doors to opportunities.  Secondly, education is a powerful equalizer. Regardless of our socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or upbringing, education is the great equalizer that breaks down barriers and provides a level playing field for individuals from diverse backgrounds. Third, the role of hard work. All the success is earned through perseverance, dedication and a strong work ethic. Hard work teaches us discipline. In conclusion, he said one’s high school years are a foundation for the rest of your life, and the habits that you cultivate now will shape your future. So, study hard and work hard. Because if a little fresh Tongan boy like me can achieve what I have so far, I can only imagine what the future holds for you all!

Certificate Endorsements and gaining University Entrance enables better opportunities in the future for any student. Gaining an endorsement needs to be the goal of every student at the college. But it is not something that just happens. One must work consistently and stay committed to your schoolwork daily. Students who actively participate in classes, complete classwork, and homework daily and prepare well for assessments have a very high chance of gaining endorsements. There is also strong evidence from research for students who gain certificate endorsement and UE, do well at the university. So, you can set the goals for this year with your son, 50 credits at Excellence Level.

As a college, we thank all the families for your significant role and contribution to your son’s academic achievement. Parent support and involvement are vital in a child’s education, so thank you families for your continued support and contribution. 

We would also like to acknowledge and thank the hard-working and passionate teachers as well who contributed to these student successes.  

Our NCEA results for 2023, 

  • at Level 1, we had 90.2% of students pass, compared to 60% nationally.
  • at Level 2, this was 91.7% compared to 72% nationally. 
  • and at Level 3 we gained a 94.9% pass rate compared to 66% nationally. 
  • our UE results for 2023 are 79.5% compared to 47% nationally.

Our NCEA Endorsements for 2023, 

  • at Level 1, 16.1% compared with 16.8% nationally,
  • at Level 2, 1.8% compared with 14.7% nationally and 
  • at Level 3, 8.1% compared with 13.7% nationally. 

Our IGCSE Cambridge results for 2023, 

  • Science: Year 10 77%, Year 11 95%
  • Mathematics: Year 10 92%, Year 11 84%

We look forward to achieving even better result for this year.

Yr 8
Yr 9
Yr 11
Solomon Yr 12
Yr 13 A