
Careers Day 2024

Tuesday 5 March was a successful Careers Day with a wide variety of universities, tertiary providers, private training organisations, trades and apprenticeships, Defence Force, Police, Techtorium, Media Design School, ETCO, Skydiving and Industry Training Organisations. All year levels had the opportunity to visit these providers at different times throughout the day. The whole school was totally engaged and the feedback from presenters was positive. The providers said the students were respectful and asked some great questions.

We were fortunate to have two Old Boys speak at assembly, Rocky Momoisea (Class of 2019) and Loshaunce Leaso (Class of 2022). Rocky Momoisea, who has just completed his Communications Degree at Otago University, spoke about setting goals and staying up to date with assessments whilst at school to prepare for tertiary studies. Loshaunce, who is currently at the University of Auckland completing a law degree, spoke to the students about keeping a balance, the transition between college and university and the importance of working hard. 

Unfortunately, the INZONE bus was not able to be there this year as they had a catastrophic fire.
