
Auckland Central Catholic Kāhui Ako Māori Mass 27 September 2024

Last Thursday evening ɫֱ’s College, along with our other Catholic Kāhui Ako schools, celebrated our inaugural Māori Mass for our community at Christ The King church.

This Mass aligned with Te Wiki o te Reo Māori with this year's theme - Ake Ake Ake, a forever language - being brought to life with our community. It was a bright and vibrant celebration of our Māori learners and community across our 15 schools. The Mass was led by the energetic Pa Peter Tipane.

ɫֱ’s was well-represented on the night with our Head Prefect, Waka Tate, welcoming us all with a mihi whakatau. Joseph Samuels represented our college as a candle bearer while Isaiah Faiva stood in for St Mary’s Primary as a proud Old Boy of the school. Year 9 student Makaera Poynter was also part of the Mass doing the first reading. Well done to all of these students.

A special thank you also goes to Finn Llyod who was our official photographer for the evening and all other ɫֱ’s students who supported the evening - nga mihi nui!

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toirua – Let us stay close together, not far apart.

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Kahui Ako Maori Mass 2