
Music 25 October 2024

Welcome to music for Term 4. 

Itinerant lessons and co curricular music run throughout Term 4. Our bands and choir will be rehearsing weekly as normal, working toward next year's contest repertoire as well as for our end of year prizegiving and school events. Seniors, if you are able to attend music lessons and rehearsals during NCEA exam time, you are encouraged to attend as long as it won't interfere with your exam timetable.  

NCEA music students will be under the pump to get all of their performance and composition assessments completed over the next week. If your son is in a senior music class, please check with him that his music assessments are close to being completed.

I would like to thank the senior band, First Impressionz, for performing on Saturday 19 October at The Salvation Army, Hamilton City. This concert was part of a celebration for Mr Stanbridge senior, as he retired after more than 36 years of leadership of their brass band. Thank you, band, for your willingness to serve in this way. The concert was a wonderful occasion and many audience members were impressed by the quality of the music you performed, as well as the way you presented yourselves. Thank you again to First Impressionz for making this a very special occasion. 

The Salvation Army, Hamilton City, 19 Oct 2024
First Impressionz 19 Oct 2024 The Salvatiopn Army, Hamilton City