
Champagnat Marist Leadership Forum

On 20-23 February, Joseph Samuels, Josiah Tupa'i, Mrs Smuga and myself attended the Champagnat Marist Student Leaders Forum in Christchurch. The forum took place with 38 students from schools around New Zealand within the Marist network. 

Personally, the Marist Leaders Forum was a great experience that strengthened me as a leader and a person. Being able to socialise and communicate with other schools was vital in exchanging ideas and learning more about each other. As a whole, I learned many new ideas of leadership especially one key factor, Servant Leadership. It widened my understanding that to be a good leader is to serve others, by leaving my title and badge at the door to serve my community and college. In addition, the Marist Leaders Forum taught me about my Marist connection and helped me grow as a leader by socialising with people I can now call brothers and sisters and sharing ideas to take back to school. From these new ideas, we can plan for new events in the future to connect with Marist schools strengthening our relationship through faith and connection relating to one of our pillars, family spirit. 

Zephan Pita-Lafaele (Deputy Head Prefect)

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