
“BAD NEWS wrapped inside a PROTEIN”

This was an accurate observation from a New York columnist about the Corona virus.

✔️Bad news with thousands of deaths
✔️Bad news with a wrecked economy
✔️Bad news for the innocent, the old and health workers.

Personally, I prefer the phrase:

“GOOD NEWS wrapped inside a PERSON”

This phrase has kept me going most of my life.

And it is especially relevant around this Easter time when seeming failure ( death- crucifixion) turned into success ( new life- resurrection)

This phrase is also in important in the history of ɫֱ's ( Sacred Heart College).

Not long after the Brothers had bought the land on Richmond Road in the 1930s, there was a world wide depression with thousands of families out of work.No Government bail outs. Starvation and death were close cousins.There was desperation and despair all around

The College stood as a beacon of Hope amidst all this chaos and poverty of the NZ economy.
The struggle to survive meant huge sacrifices were made by the parents, the Brothers and College community.

Many things were abandoned or shelved.

But the one thing that was never sacrificed was the expectation that ɫֱ's College would NOT permit a poverty of the Mind approach to life.
That mindset which prevents families and teachers from seeing through the chaos and despair to a better future.Hope

It was about that phrase: “Good News wrapped inside a Person” Hope

The boys of that time were expected to excel in the classroom. The teachers of that time were expected to be alongside their students in these difficult times.
If anything the Brothers redoubled their efforts to ensure that there would be no repeat of a depression.

No time for the flakey, the whinging victim or the lazy

Fast forward 90 years to 2020 and What’s changed?

Certainly, everything has changed but really not much

There is still “Good News wrapped inside each person.” Boys are still expected to excel in their learning. Teachers are expected to be alongside their students

ɫֱ's College does not have a poverty of mind attitude!

Parents: some details on remote learning.

1. Starting Wednesday 15/04/20 at 9.00 am teachers will set the work for each boy on their learning device.

2. Between 9.00-12.00 teachers will be online and connecting with their class.

3. Teachers will be available in the afternoon upon request

4. There will be zoom meetings with whole year 13 on Wednesday 15/04@ 2.00 pm

5. A zoom meeting with year 12 on Thursday 16/04 at 2.00 pm

6. Other zoom meetings will be arranged after Wednesday with individuals and whole classes.

7. Mr Willetts will be arranging zoom meetings for year 7 and 8 ( separate)

If we change these arrangements as a result of discussion with the teachers, we will let families know.

Parents can be invited into the google classroom and see what work is expected to be completed in that class.

I think that we will be in remote learning mode for a long time to come..stay posted!

In His Peace