
Careers News week ending 8 August 2021

Work Placement with Meredith Connell, ASWEFA, Te Kuhunga Open Day

Work Placement with Law Firm Meredith Connell

Students were given the opportunity to listen and ask questions of two panels of lawyers. The first group were prosecutors. They detailed their work from criminal law to international and business transactions. Their days are never the same, filled with problem solving and acting as advocates for those in need. Meredith Connell offers pro bono to selected community entities such as the SPCA. The second panel were first and second year cadets of Meredith Connell. They discussed their challenges leaving school to attend university, their necessary resilience to complete their degree or conjoint in the required time frame and to take each day as it comes. Their frank discourses allowed the students to see themselves pursuing a legal career. The visit concluded with a tour of the office.


A Safe Working Environment For All

During the holidays four students attended A Safe Working Environment For All (ASWEFA) which included:

  • Forklift Courses & Licencing
  • Wheels Tracks & Rollers (WTRs)
  • Elevated Work Platforms (EWPs)
  • Dangerous Goods

ASWEFA are proud to be part of learning that gives our students the confidence they can achieve a “real world” qualification with which they can seek employment. 

Careers Jonte
Jont'e Timmo-Collins
Careers Fisipuna
Fisipuna Vehikite
Careers Heneli
Heneli Luani (former student)
Careers Faava
Faava Mikato (former student)

Te Kuhunga Open Day - Meredith Connell and AUT

University Open Day 25th September - please register [email protected]
There are 10 scholarships available. Applications open soon.

12717753 Te Kuhunga   Open Day (final)