
Community Notices week ending 8 August 2021

Kapa Haka Ropu Celebration, Maori Mass, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Epsom Centenary Celebration

Kapa Haka Ropu Celebration 

Sunday 15th August, 1.00pm - 3.00pm, St. Mary's College - CM Hall

Kapa Haka Celebration 

Maori Mass 2021

Saturday 11th September, 6.00pm - 7.00pm, St. Peter's College Chapel 

Maori Mass

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Epsom Centenary Celebration

24th-26th September 2021

Registrations are now open for the 3-day celebration of our centenary. While we realise many people may have moved on to other parishes, or even moved away from the area, we would love to have you return to be with us!  Be sure to mark your calendar now for this great weekend! To register and for more information, visit the parish website at