
House Update 17 June 2022

Inter-house Basketball and Overall Points

Week 6 saw our pupils take part in inter-house basketball during their lunchtimes. It was a great event that ran despite the rain and wild weather. The boys' commitment to their houses and the spirit the games were played in were exemplary.

The results are as follows:

Year Groups

Years 7 & 8 – 1st Lavalla, 2nd Champagnat, 3rd Aquinas, 4th Xavier
Years 9 & 10 – 1st Champagnat, 2nd Aquinas, 3rd Xavier, 4th Lavalla
Years 11-13 – 1st Lavalla, 2nd Xavier, 3rd Aquinas, 4th Champagnat 

Position Overall and House Points 

1st Lavalla - 90
2nd Champagnat - 80
3rd Aquinas - 70
4th Xavier - 60

Overall house points for 2022

House Points