
Season of Lent

40 days of Sacrifice, Prayer and Charity

Following the Church's liturgical calendar, the College is currently observing the season of lent: 40 days of sacrifice, prayer and charity to conform us to Christ. Due to COVID limitations, we have had to be creative with how we worship together, given that meeting inside the chapel is not currently an option.

Last week, Mr Simento and Mrs D'Souza hatched an inspired plan to hold the Stations of the Cross straight after morning assembly on Tuesday mornings. The Stations of the Cross is a long held ritual in the Catholic Church where we pray through the stages of Jesus' Passion, helping us to feel present in this season leading up to Easter.

I was thrilled to see how well our young men participated in the second round of our liturgy this week. Special kudos to three young men for reading so confidently: Josh Benoza, Joseph Samuels, and Josiah Vaái-Tupaí.
