
Sport Update week ending 11 Sep 2020

Sport is still in a holding pattern...

Unfortunately we are still in a holding pattern with much of our sport while College Sport and Regional sports organisations figure out how (or if) they can operate under Level 2.5, 2 & so on.

Much like most of NZ, it's been a tough season for our sport teams. I've been impressed with the commitment levels of our students and volunteer coaches especially. 

The improved winning percentage of our winter sport teams in particular has been a highlight; this is in no doubt a direct reflection of the extra commitment and preparation that went into (pre) season 2020. We haven't waved the white flag just yet and discussions are already being held to try finish off the season with 1 or 2 games; watch this space.

Winter Cricket Academy

Our winter cricketers have been quietly working away in the background through their off-season in preparation for term 4. In the space of 10 training hours at Eden park and SPL gym, noticeable improvements have been seen in our bowling & fielding. 

With a group ranging from Year 9-13, cricket is in safe hands for many years to come. I'm looking forward to seeing 1st XI captain Siupeli Aho's last few games in SPL colours, a committed and passionate sportsman, Siupeli's attitude towards SPL sport is faultless. It always has been from a very young age and our sport program will miss him.

New Cricket Nets

We are very grateful to the Queen St Cricket Club for their contribution to our new cricket nets. 

New Cricket Nets

Mr Dave McDermott
Director of Sport