
Technology Department News

Catch up for seniors on Mondays and Wednesdays and request for materials...

We are making good progress in the Technology Department in refreshing a few programs, updating hand-tools and equipment and generally making the facility a better space for the students.

If you have any surplus materials that you think may be useful to the Technology Department, they would be much appreciated. We are primarily looking for clean wood (both native and exotic), plastics (particularly Perspex), clean untanalised plywood, and composites. Please email me if you have suggestions. 

I have a small display area as you come into the Tech Block which needs some inspiration. I’m thinking “Technology through the ages” for the first theme. If you have any interesting items such as radios, telephones, or interesting appliances that are no longer used, I may well be interested. Please email me.

Catch Up for Seniors
With a practical subject such as Technology, the Lockdowns are not welcome news. I will be offering Monday and Wednesday after school catch up sessions for any Year 11, 12 and 13 students who would like to catch up, or just have a little more tuition on skills. Monday and Wednesday, 3.20pm - 4.30pm.

Grant Robinson
E: [email protected]